Course Catalog

Institutional Policies and Staff Conduct

The complaint of a student or applicant who believes that he or she has been subjected to unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action resulting from any institutional policy or subjected to unfair, arbitrary, discriminatory or unprofessional conduct by a member of the College staff is a grievance to be resolved through the grievance procedures set forth below. (For code of conduct violations set forth, use procedures under that section. For appeals of course grades, use procedures under that section.)

  1. The student or applicant shall be referred to the staff member involved for resolution of the grievance; or, if the complainant does not wish to consult with the staff member on the grievance, he/she shall be referred to the division chair or staff member’s supervisor.
  2. If the grievance cannot be resolved by consultation between the student and the staff member, the assigned division chair or supervisor shall mediate.
  3. If such mediation does not result in a resolution of the grievance, the complainant, the staff member, and the division chair, supervisor, or any two of them, shall present the grievance to the division chair or dean for resolution.
  4. If further review is sought, the finding of the dean may be appealed in writing to the President of the College.
  5. Further appeal may be made in writing to the Board of Trustees.