Course Catalog

Appeal for Non-Acceptance/Admission Decision Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the appeal process for applicants who have been denied acceptance into a special admissions program within Sampson Community College. The policy aims to ensure that applicants have the opportunity to request a review of their denial decision based on specific grounds. 

This policy applies to all applicants who have been denied acceptance into a special admissions program offered by Sampson Community College.  
Grounds for Appeal 
Applicants may appeal a denial decision based on one or more of the following grounds: 
            • Procedural errors or irregularities in the admission process. 
            • Allegations of bias or discrimination during the admission process. 
            • Other compelling reasons as deemed appropriate for appeal. 
Appeal Process
The Appeal Process shall include the following steps:  

• Submission of Appeal

o The applicant must submit a formal written appeal to the VP of Academic & Student Affairs within 5 business days from denial notification. 

• Appeal Review Committee 

o An Appeal Review Committee shall be formed to review the appeal. The committee shall consist of impartial faculty members and administrative staff not involved in the initial admission decision.

• Review of Appeal 

o The Appeal Review Committee will consider the appeal, review relevant documents, and may request additional information from the applicant or other parties involved.

• Decision Notification

o The Appeal Review Committee will render a decision based on the merits of the appeal and notify the applicant of the outcome in writing within a reasonable timeframe. 

Appeal Decision
The decision of the Appeal Review Committee shall be final. 

All information related to the appeal process, including applicant submissions and committee deliberations, shall be kept confidential to the extent possible, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.