Course Catalog

Transfer Credit Policy

Sampson Community College may award transfer credit for comparable coursework or programs completed at other accredited institutions. Credits for course work completed (with a grade of “C” or better) prior to a student’s enrollment in a certificate, degree, or diploma program at SCC, may be eligible for transfer toward graduation. Some programs have additional guidelines for course transferability. Transfer credits from North Carolina Community Colleges will be evaluated by the Registrar’s Office. Transfer credits from all other institutions will be evaluated by the appropriate Department Chair, Division Chair, or the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs. Transfer credit will be approved or disapproved on the basis of level, content, quality, comparability, and degree of program relevance. All approved transfer credits must be filed with the Registrar’s Office for posting to the student’s transcript.

Time Limit on Transferability

Certain courses have a time limit on transferability. Credit for course work completed (with a grade of “C” or better) more than ten (10) years may be granted if the student holds an earned diploma or degree prior to admission. Credit must be evaluated and approved by the Department Chair, the Division Chair, or the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs. A student may be required to repeat courses in their program’s major area of concentration when changes in technology and/or current practices indicate new competencies must be acquired.

External transfer credits are not calculated in the student’s curriculum grade point average. Students transferring from other institutions are admitted in good academic standing. At least 25 percent of the curriculum requirements must be completed through SCC.