Course Catalog

Academic Freedom Policy

Academic freedom is the cornerstone of higher education; without it learning cannot occur. In keeping with this core value and belief, Sampson Community College encourages a positive atmosphere for learning where faculty and students are free to engage in academic enquiry and expression free of arbitrary censorship or limitation.

Of course, with freedom comes the responsibility to exercise it with care and with the full consideration of the rights and freedoms of others. Instructors, being citizens with all appropriate Constitutional and legal protections for freedom of expression, are reminded that exercising those rights irresponsibly could adversely affect the College’s image in the community. Both instructors and students are encouraged to freely explore multiple perspectives and viewpoints; however, controversial or potentially inflammatory material (lectures, reading materials, assignments) should be presented responsibly and respectfully.

To safeguard academic freedom for both faculty and students, students who believe their right to academic freedom has been compromised or infringed upon have a right to file a grievance in accordance with the grievance procedures outlined in this Catalog and Student Handbook. Faculty should follow the grievance procedures outlined in the SCC Staff Handbook.