Course Catalog

Change of Program

Students are permitted to change curriculum programs in response to changes in their educational and career objectives. Counseling is provided on the potential impact a program change may have on a student’s academic progress and financial aid. Once a new program of study is selected, students will meet with an advisor in that program to gain a full understanding of the necessary requirements and expectations.

Before changing to a new program, please consider that a program change may result in one or more the following:

  • Exceeding the 150% maximum timeframe for Financial Aid.
  • Require additional courses.
  • Take longer to complete a degree or credential.
  • Delay entry into the workforce.

Changing an academic plan should be in the best interest of the student and done with careful consideration. Student Services staff and Success Coaches are available to discuss potential options with students prior to starting the change of program process.

All requests for program changes are recommended to be initiated at least four weeks prior to the date of registration. Students must complete a Change of Program form in Student Services. Previous curriculum course work will be evaluated for transfer credit to the student’s new program of study. Previously earned credit hours approved for transfer are granted toward completion of the graduation requirements for the new program of study.

Students are admitted into a program of study under the requirements of the College catalog current at the time of admission. Students who fail to complete any course credits for a calendar year or longer after admission must complete program requirements current at the time of reenrollment or readmission. No student may remain under any catalog for more than five years.