Course Catalog

Course Prerequisites

Certain courses offered by the College may require pre-requisite or co-requisite courses to ensure that students are adequately prepared for higher level course work. Course prerequisites and corequisites are listed in course descriptions in the College catalog and are consistent with the Combined Course Library of the North Carolina Community College System.

Prior to enrolling in courses, all students must successfully complete prerequisites and enroll in appropriate corequisites. Students who have not satisfied all requirements through prior course credit or other equivalency may be administratively withdrawn from the course. Students are advised to review course prerequisites and corequisites carefully before enrolling to avoid course withdrawal. The following stipulations apply:

  1. All state prerequisites and corequisites must be honored and cannot be waived without supporting documentation.
  2. Local prerequisites may be waived with the recommendation of the Division Chair and must be submitted to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs for approval.
  3. RISE placement may satisfy gateway English and math prerequisites and corequisites (See the RISE placement section of catalog).
  4. Completed curriculum courses may be used to satisfy the prerequisite or corequisite requirement for lower level courses in the same discipline.
  5. Credit by Examination “CE” may be used to award credit for approved prerequisite courses.
  6. Developmental coursework may be transferred from other colleges. A Transfer Developmental “TD” designation will be assigned to each developmental course transferred.
  7. Dual enrolled high school students must meet all course pre-requisites.
  8. Students registering for a course requiring a state or local corequisite should be registered for both courses simultaneously.
  9. Withdrawing or dropping a course or its assigned corequisite will result in a withdrawal or drop from the associated course unless the corequisite was originally waived.

Official transcripts, test scores, and any other appropriate documentation supporting a waiver of prerequisites or corequisites must receive proper approval and be filed with the Registrar’s office.