Course Catalog

College and Career Readiness

The College & Career Readiness (CCR) department is located on the first floor of the Technology Building. Programs are provided to assist adult students 16 years of age or older in attaining fundamental educational skills. CCR is designed to increase the level of adult literacy within the community and to assist adults in obtaining their adult high school equivalency diploma. The program provides students with the foundational skills that will enable them to enter the work force, skills training programs, or post-secondary education. The curriculum emphasizes the personal and academic development of each student stressing individual awareness of abilities and opportunities.

The College offers three programs designed for adults who have not completed high school: the Adult Basic Education (ABE) program, the High School Equivalency Diploma (HSE) program and the Adult High School (AHS) program. These programs provide instruction ranging from courses to meet the needs of individuals requiring basic literacy instruction to those designed to improve the skills of high school graduates. The college also offers English as a Second Language (ESL) for non-English speaking students to learn English. These courses are offered on the college’s main campus and throughout the county. No registration fee is charged for these classes. In addition to structured classes, College and Career Readiness (formerly Basic Skills) provides learning labs and computer-assisted instruction for students. There are no fees charged for use of these resources.