Course Catalog

SGA and Student Activities

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association (SGA) was organized in 1968 under a student government constitution. The purpose of this organization is to preserve an atmosphere of free discussion, inquiry and self-expression, cultural enrichment, and to insure the personal freedom and general welfare of the members of the student body. The SGA develops student’s awareness of personal capabilities and assists in personal and leadership development. All curriculum students who pay activity fees are members of the SGA. Officers are elected each year and include a president, vice-president, and secretary.

The Student Government Association (SGA) of Sampson Community College seeks to preserve an atmosphere of free discussion, inquiry, and personal enrichment. The SGA develops students’ awareness of personal capabilities and leadership development. Student activities are an integral part of the total development of the individual. The SGA Constitution provides for events and activities through standing committees. The SGA Advisor assists students and oversees the coordination and planning of all events. The objectives of the Student Government Association are to:

  1. Establish laws to govern student conduct and elections.
  2. Establish an annual budget for the Activity Fee Fund.
  3. To advise and work with administration in the improvement of student life.
  4. Provide a framework within which students may work to improve the college.
  5. Encourage and support adherence to campus regulations during all student activities and SCC sponsored events.
  6. Inspire the quality, sustainability, and growth of current SCC clubs, and the creation of new SCC clubs.
  7. Promote civic responsibility throughout all of SCC.

SGA Membership

All curriculum students are required to pay an activity fee to the College and are members of the Student Government Association of Sampson Community College by virtue of their registration. SGA members are eligible to participate in all activities and events and vote in elections while currently enrolled. For more information about the SGA and student activities on campus, contact the SGA Advisor in the Student Services Division or visit the Student Life page on the College’s website.

Student Activities

Student Activities are an integral part of the total development and awareness of personal capabilities of the individual. The Student Government Association (SGA) Constitution provides for these activities through the SGA Senate and student committees in consultation with College staff and administration. These activities provide opportunities for leadership development and training in planning and implementation for students. All students are encouraged to participate in planning and evaluating activities. Financing of student activities is derived primarily from the budget adopted annually by the SGA.

Student Clubs

The College has established student clubs, organizations, and societies that directly relate to the College’s mission and goals and fall into one of three categories:

  1. Honorary Societies - promote scholarship and leadership among students
  2. Curriculum Clubs - promote student interest in the College curriculum
  3. Cultural Clubs - promote interest in the diverse culture of the College’s student body and community

Official student clubs and organizations are listed in the SCC Student Handbook and on the Student Life page of the College’s website.

The College does not infringe upon students’ freedom to organize and exercise their rights to free speech and religion. Students at the College should be free to form groups, societies, and clubs, but in so doing they act independently of the College and they shall not represent themselves as a college organization. The College will not be responsible for these organizations or their activities. These clubs, however, may use the College’s facilities and resources to the same extent as the public

The Viking Voice

The Viking Voice is a blog located on the College's website that features items of interest to the student body, staff, faculty and general public. It includes information regarding special events, activities on campus, and student and faculty highlights. Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to submit information and articles to be published to the SCC Advancement Office. The blog is edited by SCC Staff in accordance with guidelines established by the College administration.