Course Catalog

Academic Forgiveness Policy

Students may apply for the removal of grades earned (or transfer credit awarded) at Sampson Community College under the provision of the College’s Academic Forgiveness Policy. Although the courses will not be removed from the student’s cumulative record, the grades no longer will be calculated into the student’s major or cumulative grade point average and no longer will apply toward the fulfillment of any College requirement. The following conditions apply:

  1. Academic forgiveness must be initiated by the student.
  2. The student must be currently enrolled and have a minimum of 12 semester hours of required course credit (developmental hours can be included) in the chosen program of study within the previous year, and have achieved an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or above in those courses.
  3. Academic forgiveness applies to all courses taken by the student at Sampson Community College and/or for which transfer credit was awarded by the College more than 5 years prior to the date of application for academic forgiveness.
    1. All credit earned more than 5 calendar years before the date of application for academic forgiveness will be removed from consideration for credit in fulfillment of general education or major course requirements or for grade point average or for any other purpose or requirement. The 5 years will be calculated from the semester preceding the date the application is received in the Registrar’s Office. Summer term is considered one semester.
    2. All credit earned within 5 years prior to the date of application for academic forgiveness will not be eligible.
  4. Academic forgiveness will be granted exactly once and, when granted, is irrevocable.
  5. Students should contact their advisor or a Counselor in Student Services for more information about Academic Forgiveness.

NOTE: Academic forgiveness cannot be used to waive satisfactory academic progress standards for financial aid.