Course Catalog

Attendance Policy

Each student has individual responsibility for attending class regularly and meeting course objectives. The College computes and records attendance beginning with the start of the term. Rules on tardiness are determined by individual instructors.

Attendance Procedures, effective 2022FA

  1. Instructors are required to record absences weekly.
  2. Students must be recorded as present at least one time on or before the census date of the course to avoid being administratively withdrawn from the course.
    1. For face-to-face courses, students must attend class on or before the census date to satisfy this requirement.
    2. For online courses, students must complete the Mandatory Online Course Assessment (MOCA – Enrollment Verification) in Moodle on or before the census date to satisfy this requirement.
    3. For hybrid and blended courses, students must attend class or complete the Syllabus Acknowledgement assignment on or before the census date to satisfy this requirement.
  3. Students are expected to attend 80 percent or more of the scheduled contact hours of the course. An instructor may administratively withdraw a student from a course for “non-attendance” when absences exceed 20 percent of the scheduled contact hours.
    1. For face-to-face courses, students must arrive on time and remain until the end of class. Failure to attend will be recorded as an absence.
    2. For online courses, attendance is established by submitting graded assignments on or before the identified due dates. Failure to submit an online graded assignment by the due date is interpreted as an absence.
    3. For hybrid and blended courses, attendance is established by attending class meetings and submitting graded assignments online on or before the identified due dates. Failure to attend class or submit an online graded assignment by the due date will be interpreted as an absence.
  4. Students are not allowed to miss more than two (2) consecutive weeks in a course.
  5. Some programs with outside regulatory bodies may require a minimum of course attendance hours other than those dictated by SCC (i.e., health programs, cosmetology, BLET).
  6. Attendance in transition courses is not required once students complete all tiers. When students complete a tier, they will immediately begin their next tier. If students withdraw or are dropped from a transition course, they will receive credit for all completed tiers.
  7. Attendance in condensed courses may have additional guidelines outlined in the course syllabus.
  8. For face-to-face courses, arriving late, or leaving early, may be recorded as a tardy. Rules on tardiness are addressed in each instructor's syllabus.
  9. In the event of extenuating circumstances, an instructor may grant an exception to the attendance policy. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of extenuating circumstances. If exceptions are granted, the student must complete any work missed in a timely manner.
  10. Students administratively withdrawn have the right to appeal within 3 business days to the instructor’s supervisor.
  11. Absences related to religious observances, military service, or pregnancy/childbirth may be considered excused. Appropriate paperwork must be completed in Student Services to grant excused absences.
    1. Military Deployment  Students experiencing military deployment qualify for special consideration such as:
      • Opportunity to make up any work missed
      • Options to continue coursework when feasible
      • Options to receive a temporary grade of “I” by following the Incomplete Grade Policy
      • Ability to drop the course with no penalty
      • Ability to drop the course with no financial penalty
    2. Pregnancy/Childbirth  Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) requires the College to excuse absences due to pregnancy or childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor says it is necessary. The College shall provide students the following:
      • Opportunity to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before the student’s medical leave began;
      • Opportunity to make up any work missed; and
      • Same special services it provides to students with temporary medical conditions.
    3. The Religious Observance Policy defined in this catalog addresses the granting of excused absences for religion observances required by the faith of a student.