Course Catalog

Academic Honors

President’s List

The President’s List, issued each fall and spring semester, includes students who attain a grade point average of 4.00 while earning 12 or more credit hours in a degree or diploma program.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List, issued each fall and spring semester, includes students who attain a minimum grade point average of 3.50 with no letter grade below “C” while earning 12 or more credit hours in a degree or diploma program.

Honors List

The Honors List, issued each fall and spring semester, includes students who attain a minimum grade point average of 3.50 with no letter grade below “C” while earning less than 12 credit hours in a degree or diploma program.

Graduation with Honors

A graduating student who has earned a grade point average of 3.50 in a degree or diploma program with no letter grade below “C” will be graduated with Honors. Graduates in a degree or diploma program who have earned a GPA of 4.00 will be graduated with High Honors. Recognition of these candidates will be made by attaching an Honors seal or High Honors seal as appropriate to the diploma or degree.