Course Catalog

Grading System

The following categories of institutional grades and corresponding symbols are used to indicate that students have met minimum course requirements:

A Superior academic performance.
B Good academic performance.
C Average academic performance.
D Passing - below average academic performance.
S Satisfactory completion of course requirements in select lab courses.
P Satisfactory completion of developmental coursework.
AC Articulated Credit earned through the K-12 articulation agreement with North Carolina public schools.
AU Participation as an auditor of a course for no grade or credit.
CE Credit earned by examination procedures of the College.
EC Credit earned under the experiential learning policy of the College.
TD Credit for developmental coursework successfully completed at other accredited educational institutions.
TR Credit for courses successfully completed with a grade of ‘C’ or higher at other accredited educational institutions.
NC Indicates non-course credit awarded when students place out of developmental education courses/modules.

The following categories of institutional grades and corresponding symbols are used to indicate that students have not met minimum course requirements:

F Failure to meet course requirements - student performance is judged to require repetition of the course. Used to indicate withdrawal from a course after the 70% date of the semester.
I Incomplete - used when the instructor determines that minimum course requirements may be met during the next consecutive semester without repeating the course.
NG No grade - indicates a student failed to enter/attend a class.
R Repeat - unsatisfactory completion of developmental coursework. Student performance is judged to require repetition of the course/module.
U Unsatisfactory completion of course requirements in selected lab courses. Student performance is judged to require repetition of the course.
W Withdrawal from a course prior to the 70% date of the semester.
WP Withdrawal Passing from a course after the 70% date with a passing average at the time of withdrawal.
WF Withdrawal Failing from a course after the 70% date with a failing average at the time of withdrawal.
WE Withdrawal from a course due to a Public Health Emergency

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Cumulative grade point averages and program grade point averages are computed for students enrolled in a degree, diploma, or certificate program. A student’s program GPA is calculated based only on courses included in their declared program of study. Program grade point averages are used for determining satisfactory academic progress and for graduation readiness. A student’s cumulative GPA includes all college-level courses attempted in which grades of A, B, C, D, and F are assigned. Grades for developmental coursework are not included in the program GPA or cumulative GPA. Grade point averages are based on quality points assigned as follows:

Grade Quality Points
A 4
B 3
C 2
D 1

Grading Scale

Individual faculty members are responsible for grading students’ course work. Academic departments have adopted standardized grading scales within curriculum programs. Curriculum courses at Sampson Community College use a standard 10-point grading scale with the exception of courses that are graded on a 7-point scale to meet state and institutional standards.

Standard Health Programs
A = 90 - 100 A = 93 - 100
B = 80 - 89 B = 85 - 92
C = 70 - 79 C = 80 - 84
D = 60 - 69 D = 70 - 79.99
F = 0 - 59 F = 69.99 and below