Course Catalog

Independent Study

Selected courses may be available for independent study. Independent study is a class offered without any regularly scheduled class or laboratory sessions. The request to enroll in a course by independent study may be approved if there are extenuating circumstances and when the following conditions are met:

  • The course is not offered during the current semester or is in schedule conflict with another required course and is needed for the student to qualify for graduation or transfer.
  • The student has a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
  • The student has completed 15 semester hours of study in his or her academic program at Sampson Community College.
  • A full-time faculty member, with the approval of the division chair, agrees to serve as the instructor for the semester of independent study.

Students who wish to register for a course under this policy should contact their advisor and complete an application for independent study. Independent study must be approved by the Division Chair and the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs and filed with the Registrar’s Office. During the semester, the faculty member will meet with the student to discuss/assess the student’s progress in meeting the course competencies and course student learning outcomes. All student/instructor meetings must be documented to include date, time, and the course component discussed/evaluated. Students receiving federal financial aid including veterans’ benefits are not eligible for courses delivered under this policy.