Course Catalog

Standards for Academic Progress

All curriculum students are expected to meet institutional standards of academic progress and show evidence that they are making satisfactory progress toward the completion of their program. In addition, students receiving financial aid are required to meet standards of progress established to comply with federal regulations (See Standards of Academic Progress for Financial Aid). Students enrolled as special students are exempt from these policies.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

To remain in good academic standing, all students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. The total number of hours transferred from another institution or transferred within the College will be considered in determining the required GPA for meeting minimum standards to remain in good academic standing.

Academic Warning

Students who do not meet the required GPA may continue their enrollment at the College but will receive a notice of academic warning. This warning indicates the student is not making adequate academic progress and may be subject to further academic sanctions if he or she fails to achieve a satisfactory GPA in the next term of enrollment.

Academic Probation

If the required minimum GPA is not achieved by the end of the academic warning term, the student will be on academic probation and will be referred to Student Services to determine available alternatives. These alternatives may include a reduction in course load, a change of program, or a continuation of full-time status with approval of the department chair, the division chair, and the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs. If a program change is determined to be the best alternative and the student is eligible, he or she will enroll under academic warning and will be required to meet the minimum GPA at the end of the probationary term.

Academic Suspension

Students who fail to meet the cumulative grade point average requirements after one term (Fall or Spring) of academic probation will be academically suspended. After one semester of suspension, students may apply for readmission and, if admitted, take courses approved by their advisor. Readmitted suspended students are placed on probation during the semester in which they re-enroll. Failure of readmitted suspended students to demonstrate substantial academic improvement in the semester in which they re-enroll will result in suspension from the curriculum.

Appeal of Academic Suspension

Students who have a legitimate reason for not meeting institutional standards of academic progress may submit a written appeal to the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs. The Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs will appoint an Appeals Committee to review the appeal and provide a decision. Students will be notified of the outcome in writing within ten (10) business days of the decision. Waiver of academic standards may be granted for death of an immediate relative of the student, injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances. Appropriate documentation must accompany the appeal. Upon approval of an appeal, a student is considered to be maintaining satisfactory progress for enrollment purposes.